
#72 - Bells

So the last few days i've been playing with an old bell kit my younger brother got when studying percussion in his youth. A while back my parents were cleaning up their house and thought about getting rid of it.
"Why would we ever need this?" was their sentiment.
"To make noise of course." was my expected response when i found out about their plan to get rid of it.
It had no mallets, but it had the stand and the little snare practice pad along with the bell kit itself in a nice case. Needless to say i knew that i could put it to good use. An would get more out of it than trying to sell it to some middle school band kid. (although the though of some kid annoying his parents all day with shrill uncoordinated playing is music to my ears)
I really am starting to love this thing, and every time i walk by it i feel the need to band on it for at least a few seconds (or occasionally just hit one note really hard and admire its tone).
My only issue is that after buying some mallets, i'm not sure if i bought the right ones...i mean they work and sound great, but as an untrained hitter of metal strips what am i to do?
i got some medium rubber oval mallets...they are blue (the handles too)
but should i have gone with soft? or hard? or wound yarn of specific hardness???
too many choices....

i guess all i can do is play this little bell kit to my heart's content and incorporate it into my live gig and albums...i've already written 2 songs for it..and have some super fun jams that are perfectly composed but give me an idea of what to do with it when i play live...i'm working on crafting my next live set to showcase it....

i really love making noise with this thing...and to think, i saved it from an unknown future of annoying parents just to be used as something to annoy myself and those who listen to my sonic art.

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