
#31 - Kindergarden Gunnery

I finally had a good idea for the name of a music venue I've wanted to open for a while. Now i do plan to have multiple outlets for art someday, but at least one of them will be a downtown performance venue in some city here in America.
It will be called the "Kindergarden Gunnery"
There will be a standard event structure for the week, though according to touring plans some days might change their structure.
Here is a quick estimation of my plans....

Sunday - brunch festivals once a month, evenings will be low key neo-classical/ambient
Monday - staged readings of local writers and occasional art shows
Tuesday - live film scoring by experimental bands
Wednesday - metal shows
Thursday - noise shows
Friday - eclectic all nighters
Saturday - monthly "make art days", evenings will be bizarre theme nights


#30 - Trial by Fir Tree?

Can a tree be used in the fiction realm as the antagonist?
Are there any books out there that use a fir tree specifically as the evil or opposing force of the main characters development/journey?
i don't know...obviously anything could be used this way in a fictional world...no matter how we might view that "thing" in our daily lives

in these situations do we use the old "trial by fire" concept, merely replacing fire with that which is causing the difficulty of progression?

aside from lumberjacks and developers can you think of anyone that might need a trial by fir tree?

i think "trial by fir tree" is a funny and underused phrased...can you work it into conversation next weekend?


#29 - pour c lin

white porous surface
glazed over by gels and fire
a breakable and hard surface once cooled
painted are you pretty
to illustrate
a fake of something
yet as an object
poor sea len is real
if a mug or cup
then pour c lin
will hold with the grace
or face of a doll
they may carve you
they may shape you
the strength of you existence
may vary
when methods of production change
lain out for visual stimuli


#28 - Solids

Solidify the innate mass
of planets or of stars

solidify the innate mass
of deserts or of cars

solidify the innate mass
of animal and human souls

take the gelatin of life
and freeze it
to solidify
that which understanding
does not come of
that which evaluation
does not come to
that which comprehension
does not come from

i guess most
must find the liquid or the gas of life
and turn it solid
solid is stable
solid is fixed
solid is not fluid

life is not solids


#27 - Broken Books

When a book breaks what happens? Do we mourne? Do we trash it?
What exactly is "broken" when talking about books?

Are we talking about the actually physical state of the object know as book? Spine ripped? Pages torn? chunks missing?

Are we talking about the function of the text? misprints, spacing or blotches? wrong words? imperfect printing?

Are we talking about the literary content? failed plot? uninteresting characters? broken narrative?

We must first define how a book can be broken before we attempt to discover what happens to broken books?

what's your thoughts?


#26 - A list of processes that amaze me

1. making glass - grit to clear and smooth?
2. writing data - images as 1's and 0's?
3. playing/making records - grooves = vibrations = sound?
4. light refraction - violent destruction of white?
5. cooking with lemon - acid burns the food to perfection?
6. photosynthesis - its not just a cool word?
7. cell mitosis - let's split?
8. line based telecommunication - you can hear me from a wire?
9. wireless telecommunication - you can hear me from nothingness???
10. the spark of the human brain - connectivity?


#25 - Sorted

let the daily task of choosing
a category for your life
be something taken in each morning
and never let another guide your hand
in sorting out that great mess
which is you placement in the puzzle

let the label of your canon
disintegrate each day
organized by winds
or other powers of nature
and resist the solidity of others

let the movement of groupings
open little spots
to fill between
the stable and broken

let the internal force
pull your direction
but don't ignore when it changes

let the daily task of choosing
become a sacred task

and never let yourself be sorted


#24 - Light from the Chandelier

through glass
and split or sent
to spread
reaching out until it can
no farther go
leaving holes, not empty holes,
but lesser filled spots
that may overlap
or exist in several angles
generating patterns
and intricate palettes of hue
giving shape
to the surroundings
that design on the ceiling, the curves
the colors
the knives
appearing by way of contrast
the darker and the light
the places that are not quite
not light
give the places that are in fact
quite light
a better noticed
one that artists
take their bliss from
for i sure do wish
i could create a splendor
like the light from a chandelier


#23 - don't just stand there

when you go to a concert that has upbeat music...DON"T JUST STAND THERE.

i get really tired of going to shows at which everyone just stands there with their arms crossed...why act so pretentious? its not like by moving the tiniest bit the world will collapse...its music, you're expected to move....

i'm not asking for elaborate dance moves...just a simple sway or headbob will work just fine...if you were playing something onstage that you felt strongly enough about to present it to others wouldn't you expect people to do more than look disapprovingly at you...i'm not even talking about people don't like the music (as there's always a few)..but the people who wear the shirts talk about the show for weeks prior to it, then show up and stand there totally stoic....

DANCE WILL YA? and stop looking at me like i'm an idiot because i'm the only person moving my body to the music...i'm just enjoying myself as best i can...stop trying to win at being the hippest at a show...you all look like you're afraid of seeming uncool or like you think others will laugh at you...WHO CARES?????????

please, i beg of you, when you go to a concert...DON'T JUST STAND THERE!


#22 - Art Of Script By Hand

I really have come to see peoples handwriting as their own personal art that is far beyond intimate. I know that its somewhat cliche to talk about the handwriting of a person reflecting their personality, but i don't care.

Some of my favorite people in the world have handwriting that makes me swoon. I see the shape and curve of their letters, the spacing of their words, the motion of their flow...it all gets me in this excited hyper-real state of awareness...for some reason when i look at the handwriting of people i respect it brings this flood of memories, not really about specific events, but memories of getting acquainted with their style, memories of a feeling of joy from somewhere in the past...there are associations with this art that i am unaware of, but can feel the result of....

Its a great comfort to look at the writing of those few people who i count as heroes & geniuses...those creative few each have such distinct handwriting that i must look upon it as art before i can even begin to decipher it...i can't help but desire framed copies of little notes or big prints of the simplest hand written documents...i have even come the point of secretly wishing that their handwriting was available as a digital font...i know that its more important for their writing to stay unique and come directly from them...but there is a part of me that would love to use their art in my own words...like a collaboration of souls...an artistic collision of mental and physical...a merging of two mediums formed by entirely different life experiences....

It is so apparent in their handwriting that these few people have something most people either don't have, or don't know they have...a great confidence, or astounding creativity, or the purest of natures...i have seen their art of script by hand and have fallen deeply in love with a physical subconscious product of their existence....


#21 - Memory Grotesquerie

Do the actual events of a memory matter more than the memory itself? Is the act of imagining a recollection enough to provide meaning, education, and purpose to the development of our lives?

Those fond mental images of you as a child...did they happen the way you remember? probably not...does that matter? not really

we all want to be able to recall the minutia of our past (mainly positive events, but with the often secret desire to remember our most terrifying disturbing moments in even more vivid detail)...its a desire to stay connected with the self we have know and maintain a steady tow line from start to finish...sadly that hangs limp in places and swerves wildly at others...it may become disconnected but we try to keep pulling ourselves along with the reassurance that nothing has changed behind us....

well i hate to be the bearer of bad news but it has changed...the previous landscape has gone through all the same weather changes that your current position has...it erodes leaving great channels of neural sediment that the geologist of our psyches tries to catalog and explain...

i for one don't mind the memory grotesquerie of my past...graveyards have always intrigued me, so what better than a resting place for altered and invented thoughts...it really doesn't matter if you have changed the story of you past (willingly or unknowingly) as long as there is still forward momentum.


#20 - It's Funny Cause It's True

There is almost always some truth to our comedic attempts. Things done in jest are often subtle ways to tell those around us how we really feel in a way that is socially acceptable...but some people have different styles of humor...is there a right way to use insult comedy with your peers? or is it a bad idea to even bring humor into the role of critical communication?

i would say that we all just need to do three things
#1 would be to deal more honestly with those around us...spread it like a pre-historic virus....
#2 would be to accept the honesty that others give as an opinion that is neither right nor wrong...learn that honesty is the widest two lane road we have
#3 would be to be less judgmental of other styles of humor...just because you don't find it funny doesn't mean that's is purpose was malevolent

We have developed this humor that relates to self-esteem in which we must offer our real thought with a laugh and "just joshing" attitude...i don't really mind this false humor style, but it would be nice if we could all understand the truth behind these little jabs and work to iron out the things that cause such commentary....

If it wasn't true the humor would be lost, we need to connect the joke with some grain of truth in order to comprehend it. The reality is what drives the humor home, something about honesty commentary allows us to make a connection between the absurd, the obvious and the joy of realization.

"It's funny cause it's true" really is funny cause it's true*

*required footnote about the fact that the concept of truth is a sticky situation, but an understanding of the socially accepted definition for truth can be applied to this scenario as well as a broader definition about perception and the current state of our existence in relation to concepts of fact and fiction


#19 - Make Something Up

I find it surprising that so many people have trouble offering answers to opinion based questions. Its not like the person asking the questions lives inside your head...just make something up...i'm not endorsing lying, but when in a situation in which you feel the need to exclaim "i don't know" just make something up...it's not that hard

Sometimes in life we need to just smile and nod in order to get through things with the least aggravation and resistance...there are times when the best possibly solution involves a quick use of the imagination...yet people seem to have trouble with this....

I offer this as advice to people and usually i get confused looks or disapproving questions...i think what you'll notice is that the concept of making things up when necessary isn't about teaching dishonesty...its a way to teach yourself to react quicker to situations that call for answers you may not have at the ready...these made up answers have to come from somewhere...and you'd be surprised at how many made up things are actually exactly what the person thought immediately but for one reason or another was too stubborn to say....

We all hate that cycle of inquiry that results in "I don't know" "Why?" "I don't know"...this is aggravating and leads to no positive conclusion on either side...it may be best to just move on, but the stubbornness of most people makes this harder that it should be...if you just make something up this can be avoided....

On the receiving end, when people realize your willing to accept a made up answer, they are less likely to stubbornly refuse to provide some feedback...they instead will attempt to offer something of value...of course you'll always have those that take the make things up concept to an extreme, but you'll find those people would have done something disruptive no matter what your expectations are...if you can create an environment in which people feel like they have some freedom you'll find that the "i don't know" repetitive questioning procedure will vanish....

So i challenge you to not only make things up, but advise others to make something up in response to questions and situations of which you/they are unsure...it will help you/them to develop a quick firing brain and break those stubborn barriers of fear about being wrong...which will lead you to better explaining yourself and providing the best truth you can, even if its not 100% correct.


#18 - A Great Seething Destruction

The human syndrome is one of destruction and consumption. As much as people attempt to lead "socially responsible" lives and causes, they are no better than those who exists as mechanisms of destruction. By drawing attention to those things which they feel are "damaging" our planet or universe or souls or what have you, they are just placing themselves into a moral hierarchy in order to feel good about themselves. I can't really blame these people for wanting to separate themselves apart from the human race, or trying to place themselves above their peers. I can, however call out those who flaunt this "quest for perfection" as an intelligent and noble pursuit...it's not...its merely you trying to make yourself feel better and finding a way to accept being part of the human race...its those that have accepted their role as cogs of destruction that i can respect, those who take the world around them and face it without the pretentiousness of a social activist for causes they claim as "justice"...let it be know that i have no serious problem with the roles people accept as humans...its the assuredness of correctness that i find funny....
Humans ravage the conditions of the universe...our efforts often appear to contrast this notion, but weak trials to overcome a role we have filled since our inception have lead to little advancement...granted destruction is not always a bad thing...like a new growth forest an altered future will rise from the devastation of our experiences...i take pride in this...and will live my life best i can...honoring both creation and destruction...for this is manipulation...and it is all we can sense.

We are a great seething destruction.


#17 - Dressing Up On Halloween

dressing up on halloween

our bodies used in display
of things inside our social hive

with just a little blood
we can make our selves blend in
on day we owe to the dead

but this same sane so called practice
is criticized
and deemed "uncouth"
on any other day

let us blend in and always look
the way we all agree to
and have these assigned days
for as a mass
to get a little weird

its not that we hate the normal
its not that we can't conform
its that we find our own joy
in the grotesque regions
of human thought
and play there joyously

its always seemed a little strange
that we only deviate
from a "normal" selection
on days and times
when as a whole
we approve the alternate
but only if we all agree

i enjoy the ability and choice
to dress as i please
on any give day
to wear the blood of ancients
or a design from deepest doom
to pay homage
to imagination
from whence your nightmares come


#16 - Gothic Stage Songs

I have several projects that someday i hope to be skilled enough to accomplish. One of the most important is an Opera or Musical...i really want to write some sort of gothic masterpiece with super intense metal and nosie soundscapes backed by a full orchestra...i think that i would want every character to sing all there parts except the main male character, who would never sing (possibly talk-sing, but never actually sing)

I've tried to make a list of the skills I would need to create such a work, and the key element is years of training in orchestra composition...something in which i'm extremely lacking....

I have the set design skills, and the writing skills, plus a great understanding of the style of music that would be used...its getting the sound in my head to paper for others to play thats the hard part...i feel like this is the thing that keeps me from viewing myself as a musician...i'm a sound artist until i can actually write sheet music for instruments i've never played, once i can do that i'll be a musician...i used to read sheet music all the time, and did some piano and saxophone compositions years ago, but those skils are dull and having never worked with the typical orchestra instruments i'm at a loss....

Here's why i love opera...
number one is probably the power of a good female opera singer...so much emotion and force is conveyed through the female vocalist in an opera...such beautiful sounds that really touch the soul
number two is the big thematic content...usually an opera tackles some major issue of the human condition through historical or fictional events...
number three is the music...the complexity of an opera score really utilizes emotional connection and works to underline the piece...
number four is historical use of opera...it was so often theater written by musicians that it's become more of an expression of music than a play
number five is the fact that it just appeals to my soul....

Imagine something that starts out dark and creepy but calm, moves to gritty grotesque intensity, and then winds up in deep despair...this is along the lines of how i'd want it flow...

start out with some mellow darkwave styled work, move into some industrial, then some epic symphonic metal, then some harsh noise, and end with some dark psychedelic drone that leaves the audience in a really uncomfortable state....

this is one of those things that i hope to work on for 20 years or so that drains the very life blood from me...something that will be a master work i can finally unleash when i'm like 50....

we'll see what happens with my gothic stage songs....


#15 - Tambourine

skins of the dead
stretched for sound
riveted or glued
to a some long dead wood

the beating of this dried flesh
a pulse like thud
a force keeping the sounds of the heart alive

metal crashes for additional depth
half protruding from their slotted homes

ancient music from a tambourine


#14 - Harsh Is The Sound of Our Lives

Some brief thoughts on why i feel that harsh noise is a valid and respectable genre. While there is a lot of bad noise out there, when done well it can be a very moving experience.

1. Not all art is pretty.
2. It can represent emotions and events that are hard to convey through pop structure.
3. It is a total body experience that takes physical and mental stamina.
4. It is usually a unique experience that will not be replicated.
5. Our lives are filled with noisy and chaotic sounds, this places those into an artistic context.
6. The task of the musician is to craft interesting and complex sounds, this is an extremely challenging job that requires a great understanding of sound, the human ear, the human brain, and involves a great deal of skill.
7. It provides an outlet for inventive creation of sound generating devices, and promotes the development of new uses for long standing instruments.
8. Old people hate it.
9. Its often a well connected world that allows artists to work together and creates a sense of community that promotes constant development.
10. It is a wonderful outlet for insane project names and splendidly outrageous track titles.
11. It reflects the concept of the tortured soul in auditory form.
12. It is offers a way for those of us with rapid fire brains to clam down and/or connect with music on a fast paced sporadic level.
13. It often consists of deep layered sound which takes a great deal of concentration to pull out the various layers.
14. It can be fun trying to determine what the original sounds are with all the effects and manipulation.
15. Its a polarizing concept which many people just don't get.

I'm sure there are lots of other reasons why people like/create harsh noise, but this is a quick list of thoughts on why i believe everyone should give it a try and at least come to respect those artists that are offering up genuinely wonderful work.


#13 - Psuedo Politico #1: post washington

Today i had the chance to teach some American Political History to classes of 8th graders. The topic was on our (american) government from 1796-1800 with the retirement of Washington (his advice to the nation upon his exit), the presidency of Adams (in dealing with the trouble with France & the XYZ Affair), the split of political parties (federalists and democratic-republicans), and Jefferson and Madison's opposition of big government (kentucky and vigina resolutions). These are some of my favorite events in the history of american politics. We covered quite a few topics on which i have very strong opinions (foreign aid, state's rights, and political parties) granted i did not share my opinions with the classes, but discussing this today helped me decide to write something i've been meaning to write for a long time. Some opinions which i have avoided sharing for fear of becoming to enraged and for fear of it becoming an incredible rant which illustrates how nuts i am compared to my peers. I also have refrained from writing about these kind of topics because in some ways i feel another stupid blog about politics is not what this world needs. Nor do my political views really matter, but as this is an experimental writing project i guess it will be okay to occasionally try some experiments that deal with political concepts.

For those of you who aren't familiar with, aren't interested in, or have forgotten american history you can ignore the rest of this post. I don't feel the need to educate my readers on the events of 1796-1800 but will instead be providing my opinions and interpretations of the people/events mentioned in the next paragraph.

I'll start with the whole "spirit of party" thing that Washington was so concerned about. Then move onto some thoughts about foreign involvement/aid. Finally a short section on the whole state's rights issue. These are issues on which i could write entire books about, so i will try to keep it short and to the point.

*due to tiredness and several re-writes this piece will be finished soon


#12 - The Parallel Universe Of Alternate Endings

Its pretty common for someone to imagine multiple outcomes for a situation. When this happens in a fictional media form, we are often left with multiple endings. These may not have anything to do with each other and may result in entirely different situations.
At first its can be understood that one ending was chosen above another because it might have the most mass appeal, or may be the most likable outcome. But moving towards the acknowledgment of the alternate endings we begin to understand how things might have ended up if a single thing had changed.

At first the alternate ending may seem incredibly stupid or flawed, but with a closer look we can come to accept these alternates as parallel universes. When considering the multiple outcomes of a particular story, we must learn to accept that things may not always take the clearest path, and instead focus on what makes the story mean the most.
I know of plenty alternate endings that directors have chosen for their special cut that seem to go against the concept of the original ending. Is this because they changed their mind since the first release? or is it due to a shift in meaning? or is it simply how their chance to not work for the masses?

I guess my point is that even if you completely hate the alternate ending of something, make sure you understand its implications on the story, the characters, the theme, and the meaning before dismissing it as inferior garbage. Look at it as if it were a parallel universe in which the smallest change creates a brand new series of event that take place beyond our final involvement. This understanding should not reinforce the concept of fiction, but instead should help you contemplate the ending as if it were a real event based on the minute details of simple choices. These alternate endings allow us an opportunity to watch existence spin into an ever expanding spiral of outcomes.

I hope for a day when media creators can generate an entire series of alternate endings. I'm not asking for a wealth of poorly crafted sequels, but a solid work of finite pieces that illustrate the impact that minor changes can have on our existence. And i don't just mean visual media. I would greatly like to read a book that had 5 different final chapters. Maybe sealed with a sticker or something, so that the mystery stays intact and it adds our own choice to the complex world of the fictional choices that the characters face.

Its time we experimented with the concept of endings as a function of quantum physics.


#11 - "Will You"s

Watching and observing the structure and system of children within the education system provides some great insight into the operational efficiency of certain types of students (who will grow up to be similar type adults)

there are very distinct methods in play by certain students that understand how to manipulate their classmates...you will see that these kids will continue this manipulation into adulthood....

we all know those type of people...the "will you"s who are not just "will you"s, but the "will you"s its impossible for most people to resist

some people can go through life just asking others to complete tasks for them...its not that they don't work hard at life, its just that they work hard at getting others to work hard for them...i'm sure it takes a lot of effort to master the innocent ploys of a master "will you"....

how do you feel about "will you"s? are you a "will you"? would you like to be a "will you"?

does this exist in other cultures as prevalent as it is in american culture?...i have no clue, but i expect that it a human survival trait with which proper training and practice can yield success...

do those successful "will you"s have an understanding of human motivations? or are they doing what comes naturally? are they seeking a result? or merely replicating what gets a result? do they know they are "will you"s or are they clueless and just believe that people are nice to them? do they know who will best respond to their requests? do they seek out those who are weak willed? or do they just find who comes along? are they naturally gifted at selecting those to prey on? or are they just seeking out people willing to help?

am i the only one who sees a deep and destructive menace in the eyes of "will you"s?

there really seems to be something behind this power that can enslave the user and guide them toward developing a secret loathing for those who comply with their "will you" demands...like they look down on you if they can bend you to their will...its all so maniacal and devious...yet even when i know someone is using the principles and strategies of the cult of "will you" i find it hard to resist...its as if some part of me says "i don't care what logic says, if i don't comply then i'm a terrible person"...i guess its because we all have a desire to be wanted and needed, and those "will you"s can provide some validation in terms of helping...there is also the added bonus that by willingly complying with a "will you"s demand that one has opened up gate of self battery and given a reason to critique themselves and the "will you"er, all while providing that sense of self loathing that qualifies our own poor reflections of ourselves...like deciding to do it because we need something to be secretly upset about and something that we can over analyze....

i'm never sure if the "will you"s are really as evil as i want to believe...or if they are just something i have vilified with an unflattering portrait and bad lighting....


#10 - Wireless

beyond the generated lines of current
the nets or lace structures
of our past communications
the intricate woven facts
of electricity in forms complicated
are by nature
an adapting
and mutating horror
that will destroy
our future
with pulses of abnormalities

we are already seeing the effects
of a technologic life
in the outcomes
of offspring
and their connection
to the intangible
we send through the skies
a constant barrage
of numbers and letters
that flow through our skin
bounce around our skulls
seep into our blood
only to get to their destination
seemingly unchanged

just think,
how much of your wireless
is filtered through the bodies of your home...?


#9 - A Thing So Grand (...)

Many people have written about human determination. I'm sure there are loads of writings on the power of the mind, the importance of persistence, and how human kind is meant to pierce the heavens...so i won't really go into that....

what i will talk about, however, is something about human existence that is important to me...our ability to change

there is constant talk of the human ability to "create" and in a basic sense i guess we can call it creation...really though it's manipulation...everything we seek to create is already there, it does require assembly though....

when physicists say that matter can not be created or destroyed this is what they are getting at...i know nothing is impossible so depending on definitions and our eventual advancement, creation and destruction are possible...but in a grand sense the manipulation of one thing into a combination does "create" a new thing

i take great pleasure in this process of manipulation

as an artist not only do i manipulate material and emotional matter, but i (hopefully) generate enough energy to keep the manipulation process moving in my viewer, and by way of them, those they come into contact with....

it is for the best that we all do our everything possible to bring our "creation" to levels that cannot be expressed by our meager methods of communication...a thing so grand, it defies the very nature of existence, thereby creating a new concept of creation....

please don't take this responsibility lightly, the unexplainable will need us all....

i give myself to that which is unnameable.


#8 - The Emotional Intensity of a Dead 9 Volt

Even if
there is a charge
a dead
nine volt
it holds
about as much
as i can divulge
of my pathos
which "run deep"
but i really hate to share
cause sometimes i feel
that i have
the emotional intensity of a dead 9 volt battery

better used for throwing
to generate some energy
because it has been fully used

it powered some gadget
forgotten and left on

there is still a purpose for the object
and a chance for recharging
but something says to trash it
or just leave it in the drawer
so the next time someone needs it
they only find it dead

even when it heats
or sits for long enough to build some charge
i need to drain it
fast as fast can be

i'm comfortable in this knowledge
it makes me feel okay
to have the emotional intensity of a dead nine volt battery

even if
that is a lie
at this point
it doesn't matter much
i'm still far too afraid
to use a voltage meter
and determine if
there is something out beyond
for me to power
with the nine volt
that is a simple written equation
for my own emotional current

i'm probably not
the only one
the emotional intensity of a dead 9 volt


#7 - Confidence Tricks

How many children grow up hoping to become con-men?
Is it something that one dreams of or is something that just happens?

I've always found the concept of confidence tricks to be highly entertaining...i mean its part theater, part brains....

Do you think that they do it for the money? or the challenge of pulling it off and the thrill of creating fiction so realistic that people lose themselves in belief?

I have plenty of confidence in some areas, and really love using fiction as reality with strangers...but the major thing is my lack of confidence in the areas that seem to be most important to me.

I've found that recently i've been living in my head more than usual and playing out multiple realities constantly...i'm having trouble keeping up with all the fictitious lives in my head.

I sometimes wonder about the trade of con men...the old timers didn't have to worry about the internet or speedy mass communication (including photo and video) they were able to glide from place to place with zero recognition...nowadays there is so much mass communication that its hard to exist without three hundred people finding you on the internet...i mean if that dude you saw in the halls once in middle school can find you, or that girl in the pancake restaurant can send you an e-mail, how do people expect to avoid an overly connected world?

It seems that it (conning people) has become more a standard in terms of business practice, rather than a highly practiced career of trickery. Deceit is the new mission statement, and as consumers we wholeheartedly buy into it...they are giving us what we want, aren't they?

Even if the product or service isn't what we expected, we took part in the transaction...that seems to be enough for us nowadays...its gone from artistic fiction for a challenge to greed based principles of conquering....

on the whole, it seems that confidence tricks are more a part of our nature than we might have originally imagined...maybe its because we all long for the fiction of a better world...maybe its because we are so wanting of things to believe in...maybe its because we need to feel entitled to complain, knowing it will all go wrong...maybe its just because we all desire the confidence to live as we please....

whatever the reason, i like to imagine myself in world where con-men aren't always the bad guy...just for the joy of playing confidence tricks.


#6 - In Which Naps Are Praised

Do you nap? or do you sleep extended periods
like hours upon hours?
i prefer to take sleep lightly
a few here and a few someother time
i took a nap and woke refreshed
for i had only a minuscule 3 hours
the night before
and with a full day of teaching growing minds
i found a sleep in my step
and went to lay my head down
and did so
in a state of joy
naps are grand
even though
at its base level
sleep is a distraction
and a waste of time
its nice to know
that since we need it
i can still place in in my schedule
at my leisure
with naps
instead of regimented structure
during dark and moonlight times
a flutter of the eyelids
and a deep sigh,
shift of breath and body
a nap for the muscles
to regain some stength
cause no matter
much i desire
i'll never be a sleepless
there naps will wait for me
even as (something less drastic) than an enemy of time
i'll find some comfort in a quick and fruitful nap
to which / from which the cycle is reborn


#5 - Comedy In Motion (or faces and their uses)

The things that go unnoticed,
like facial ticks or contorted expressions
they make me smile
i get this unreal joy
from watching how the face conveys emotion

there is comedy in the way we breath
the way we respond to news of weird nature
is beauty and laughter all in one
its a real joy
to watch
what happens
in the muscles
in one's face

those lines, and lips, and brows...
so expressive
unable to hide the rolling torrent
of our electric nerve convulsions
its an art, a work of art
its comedy in motion

never cared it's rude to stare
i watch it all the time
i rubberneck the daily lives
of human faces

when i see a talent
in the shifting of the flesh
i can't help but giggle
giddy all inside

can't really help it, but
comedy in motion
or faces and their uses
are a pleasure

to speak nothing of a pair of shifting eyes
or a tightened cheek
would be remiss
but to cover every separate piece
would leave the picture too well defined

its now your job
to find comedy in motion
of the use of facial attributes
and live my pleasure on your own


#4 - Clerical Errors

the mistakes of a clergyman
passed on from sea
to shining
"c" replaced with "k"
and pronounced the same
but when k to c to s
it goes we lose that
intended sound
but that is all
part of growing
must we
i dare say sounds
will change
at times
we all make clerical errors


#3 - We Could All Be Wrong (or the future of science)

We could all be wrong
that's plain to me
but astounding how
those in charge
preach Copernicus
and yet still die
by Icarus' wings

When will they realize that nothing is a fact, we may have theories...but they are mostly wrong....

Just because we are technologically advanced compared to our ancestors, it doesn't mean that we have identified things as certain. If people could once believe the world was flat, we must remind ourselves that even we could be wrong about everything....

Why then do modern scientists get so stubborn in their views? They are the naysayers of a bright future, they are the cold dead anchors that hold our species down.

Yes, you scientists, i call on you to allow discourse and discussion....

It sickens me when i hear scientists preaching anything as a fact...when did you forget that the entire universe could change its operating system at any time...it might be right today, but, chances are, it will be wrong tomorrow.

Let us all remember


all i know is...(if you have learned anything from this post you should be able to predict this)

all i know is...nothing


#2 - Deep Red Arils

subtlety drifts through my speakers as i focus on tones encompassed,
was once much to busy sifting without enjoyment,
now i hear it, relax it says
and pulls a deep blue sigh from the center of my face
by instinct i tighten, then let loose
a cycle of adrenaline when it ends before i'm ready

(written in response to Hildur Guðnadóttir's "Iridescence")

A metal bowl in which i spend the morning, returning to
filled with deep red arils
a sweetness that isn't quite as bitter as i'd hoped
a healthy vitamin filled way to start the day
their white centers give a crunch
behind the gush of their translucent flesh
those deep red arils in my hand and in my mouth

(written in response to a pomegranate)

I've been stressing out over one of my current projects. I'm trying to generate a collection of lists on the best musical related outputs of 2009. There was so much music released, and so much that i'm sure i never heard. Sometimes its overwhelming.
I've spent about the last month working on this and trying to go back through every album of the year...it's starting to feel impossible. I know that no matter when i publish it, there will be things that deserve to be on it that i didn't know existed...and that's a good thing, but it does make this whole list thing rather stressful...i know no one really cares, and there are already a plethora of year end lists out there (mostly filled with garbage)...but my list is an attempt to not only share with the world, but to document a portion of my self....
I'm working hard on it, and sometimes i feel as if i'm not enjoying the music as much because of the self enforced pressure to listen to it all...but oh well
The lists will hopefully all be done soon...i'll be sure to share them all when done
Oh but how wonderful the things on the lists are...some of them almost bring tears to my eyes as they give a wonderful reason for existence
my deepest thanks to the musicians of the world,
without you my soul would be lost


#1 - The Spice of Provocative Conversation

New Year's Day?
being invited to dinner with an old friend was a splendid way to begin the new year...to be seated with similarly intelligent folks (all strangers aside from the inviter) was a real joy....
this brings me to some topics for discussion...i was a real outcast in the group based upon my views on the role of the individual in society, however there was not a moment i felt attacked or devalued because of my opinion...its nice to be surrounded by people you disagree with who are still able to maintain a respectful conversation....
but as much as i felt they were "wrong" on a few issues, i completely believe that they were not only being true to their beliefs, but they were able to justify why their opinions were right for them...and isn't that a large part of why we form opinions? much of contemporary human society has left this ability of informed and intelligent justification in favor of base arguments and unmotivated, uninformed logic....
while much of their philosophy comes from a collective religious belief which they all share (specifics in this instance do not matter) i found that this reigious connection was not a reason for ignorance as many people use it, but a way of developing each others ability to comment on the world around them...i highly applaud this group of people for providing the world with a good example of how to live faith based life...those who know me well might find my appraisal of religious seriousness a little weird, but this was not the blind and insincere faith so much of the world suffers from, this was a true and honest expression of a culture which i do not belong in...and it felt good to be a part of...even for a short time
i still disagree on a fundamental level with some of their political and social beliefs...i still have a distaste for religion and the often mindless drones it generates...but i was able to met a group of strangers who, for once, deserved my respect....
one of the big disagreements was the value of capitalism...i know many people of my generation have given up on capitalism and see it as a corrupt and selfish system...but they fail to see beyond the point of the abusers...i firmly support capitalism and don't care who knows it...call me a right wing nut if you must, but know that i whole heatedly believe that competition and change in seek of better results keeps a society from stagnating far more than other economic systems...and it is an economic system, not a political one...its about the transaction of goods and services, not about the function of society...capitalism at its core is about the growth of the individual, and i stand firmly in the view that i can not begin to assist those around me until i am firmly in control of myself....
i could continue all night with a discussion on it, but all that matters is you know that i may not support what modern leaders have done within a capitalist methodology, but i do support the methodology itself.
take from this what you will, but i venture to think that beginning the new year with a well mannered and intelligent group of people bodes well....

ponder for a moment the last dinner you had in which you were firmly opposed to every other person? was it enjoyable? were they well mannered? who won that conversation? is it possible to win? sometimes we all leave the game at halftime claiming winner by default.

#00 - Rules And Regulations

I welcome my non-existent readership to this new project. Here I plan to generate a new piece everyday. There may be times when I feel the need for multiple posts in a day, so do not be alarmed when certain days yield a plethora of useless garble. Somewhere between short poems, long rants, essays on bizarre topics, artwork, and musical experiments will be a view into the semi-functioning brain of a self proclaimed wacko.

be forewarned...i use ellipsis more than oxygen...it will be apparent.
grammar and punctuation will, for the most part, be forsaken in favor of stylistic choices and the total appearance of said text....

This project begins January 1st of 2010 and will continue for a minimum of 1 year. Let us begin.

Cheers and Chills,