
#11 - "Will You"s

Watching and observing the structure and system of children within the education system provides some great insight into the operational efficiency of certain types of students (who will grow up to be similar type adults)

there are very distinct methods in play by certain students that understand how to manipulate their classmates...you will see that these kids will continue this manipulation into adulthood....

we all know those type of people...the "will you"s who are not just "will you"s, but the "will you"s its impossible for most people to resist

some people can go through life just asking others to complete tasks for them...its not that they don't work hard at life, its just that they work hard at getting others to work hard for them...i'm sure it takes a lot of effort to master the innocent ploys of a master "will you"....

how do you feel about "will you"s? are you a "will you"? would you like to be a "will you"?

does this exist in other cultures as prevalent as it is in american culture?...i have no clue, but i expect that it a human survival trait with which proper training and practice can yield success...

do those successful "will you"s have an understanding of human motivations? or are they doing what comes naturally? are they seeking a result? or merely replicating what gets a result? do they know they are "will you"s or are they clueless and just believe that people are nice to them? do they know who will best respond to their requests? do they seek out those who are weak willed? or do they just find who comes along? are they naturally gifted at selecting those to prey on? or are they just seeking out people willing to help?

am i the only one who sees a deep and destructive menace in the eyes of "will you"s?

there really seems to be something behind this power that can enslave the user and guide them toward developing a secret loathing for those who comply with their "will you" demands...like they look down on you if they can bend you to their will...its all so maniacal and devious...yet even when i know someone is using the principles and strategies of the cult of "will you" i find it hard to resist...its as if some part of me says "i don't care what logic says, if i don't comply then i'm a terrible person"...i guess its because we all have a desire to be wanted and needed, and those "will you"s can provide some validation in terms of helping...there is also the added bonus that by willingly complying with a "will you"s demand that one has opened up gate of self battery and given a reason to critique themselves and the "will you"er, all while providing that sense of self loathing that qualifies our own poor reflections of ourselves...like deciding to do it because we need something to be secretly upset about and something that we can over analyze....

i'm never sure if the "will you"s are really as evil as i want to believe...or if they are just something i have vilified with an unflattering portrait and bad lighting....

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