
#22 - Art Of Script By Hand

I really have come to see peoples handwriting as their own personal art that is far beyond intimate. I know that its somewhat cliche to talk about the handwriting of a person reflecting their personality, but i don't care.

Some of my favorite people in the world have handwriting that makes me swoon. I see the shape and curve of their letters, the spacing of their words, the motion of their flow...it all gets me in this excited hyper-real state of awareness...for some reason when i look at the handwriting of people i respect it brings this flood of memories, not really about specific events, but memories of getting acquainted with their style, memories of a feeling of joy from somewhere in the past...there are associations with this art that i am unaware of, but can feel the result of....

Its a great comfort to look at the writing of those few people who i count as heroes & geniuses...those creative few each have such distinct handwriting that i must look upon it as art before i can even begin to decipher it...i can't help but desire framed copies of little notes or big prints of the simplest hand written documents...i have even come the point of secretly wishing that their handwriting was available as a digital font...i know that its more important for their writing to stay unique and come directly from them...but there is a part of me that would love to use their art in my own words...like a collaboration of souls...an artistic collision of mental and physical...a merging of two mediums formed by entirely different life experiences....

It is so apparent in their handwriting that these few people have something most people either don't have, or don't know they have...a great confidence, or astounding creativity, or the purest of natures...i have seen their art of script by hand and have fallen deeply in love with a physical subconscious product of their existence....

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