
#3 - We Could All Be Wrong (or the future of science)

We could all be wrong
that's plain to me
but astounding how
those in charge
preach Copernicus
and yet still die
by Icarus' wings

When will they realize that nothing is a fact, we may have theories...but they are mostly wrong....

Just because we are technologically advanced compared to our ancestors, it doesn't mean that we have identified things as certain. If people could once believe the world was flat, we must remind ourselves that even we could be wrong about everything....

Why then do modern scientists get so stubborn in their views? They are the naysayers of a bright future, they are the cold dead anchors that hold our species down.

Yes, you scientists, i call on you to allow discourse and discussion....

It sickens me when i hear scientists preaching anything as a fact...when did you forget that the entire universe could change its operating system at any time...it might be right today, but, chances are, it will be wrong tomorrow.

Let us all remember


all i know is...(if you have learned anything from this post you should be able to predict this)

all i know is...nothing

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