
#7 - Confidence Tricks

How many children grow up hoping to become con-men?
Is it something that one dreams of or is something that just happens?

I've always found the concept of confidence tricks to be highly entertaining...i mean its part theater, part brains....

Do you think that they do it for the money? or the challenge of pulling it off and the thrill of creating fiction so realistic that people lose themselves in belief?

I have plenty of confidence in some areas, and really love using fiction as reality with strangers...but the major thing is my lack of confidence in the areas that seem to be most important to me.

I've found that recently i've been living in my head more than usual and playing out multiple realities constantly...i'm having trouble keeping up with all the fictitious lives in my head.

I sometimes wonder about the trade of con men...the old timers didn't have to worry about the internet or speedy mass communication (including photo and video) they were able to glide from place to place with zero recognition...nowadays there is so much mass communication that its hard to exist without three hundred people finding you on the internet...i mean if that dude you saw in the halls once in middle school can find you, or that girl in the pancake restaurant can send you an e-mail, how do people expect to avoid an overly connected world?

It seems that it (conning people) has become more a standard in terms of business practice, rather than a highly practiced career of trickery. Deceit is the new mission statement, and as consumers we wholeheartedly buy into it...they are giving us what we want, aren't they?

Even if the product or service isn't what we expected, we took part in the transaction...that seems to be enough for us nowadays...its gone from artistic fiction for a challenge to greed based principles of conquering....

on the whole, it seems that confidence tricks are more a part of our nature than we might have originally imagined...maybe its because we all long for the fiction of a better world...maybe its because we are so wanting of things to believe in...maybe its because we need to feel entitled to complain, knowing it will all go wrong...maybe its just because we all desire the confidence to live as we please....

whatever the reason, i like to imagine myself in world where con-men aren't always the bad guy...just for the joy of playing confidence tricks.

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