
#20 - It's Funny Cause It's True

There is almost always some truth to our comedic attempts. Things done in jest are often subtle ways to tell those around us how we really feel in a way that is socially acceptable...but some people have different styles of humor...is there a right way to use insult comedy with your peers? or is it a bad idea to even bring humor into the role of critical communication?

i would say that we all just need to do three things
#1 would be to deal more honestly with those around us...spread it like a pre-historic virus....
#2 would be to accept the honesty that others give as an opinion that is neither right nor wrong...learn that honesty is the widest two lane road we have
#3 would be to be less judgmental of other styles of humor...just because you don't find it funny doesn't mean that's is purpose was malevolent

We have developed this humor that relates to self-esteem in which we must offer our real thought with a laugh and "just joshing" attitude...i don't really mind this false humor style, but it would be nice if we could all understand the truth behind these little jabs and work to iron out the things that cause such commentary....

If it wasn't true the humor would be lost, we need to connect the joke with some grain of truth in order to comprehend it. The reality is what drives the humor home, something about honesty commentary allows us to make a connection between the absurd, the obvious and the joy of realization.

"It's funny cause it's true" really is funny cause it's true*

*required footnote about the fact that the concept of truth is a sticky situation, but an understanding of the socially accepted definition for truth can be applied to this scenario as well as a broader definition about perception and the current state of our existence in relation to concepts of fact and fiction

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